Contribute your experience to help others affected by cancer.
Contribute Tips & Stories
To help as many islanders as possible we welcome stories from a variety of people and about different types of cancer.
Who Can Submit Stories?
We welcome stories from anyone affected by cancer. Our only requirement is that you lived in Jersey during your experience of cancer and still live in Jersey. Stories can come from -
- Patients - whether cured; on treatment; incurable; or with a terminal prognosis.
- Family members of a Jersey patient.
- Family members of a non-Jersey cancer patient.
- Close Friends of a Jersey patient.
- Employers – please see our section Being Identifiable below.
- Medical Professionals – please see our section Being Identifiable below.
Being Identifiable
Patients and their loved ones
We hope that most people will be happy to put their name and photo/s to their story. However, we understand that some may have very good reasons for not doing this. Especially as this is a small island. Your story is important. If needed we are happy to work with you to ensure you are not identifiable. If you wish to be unidentifiable our Founder will speak with you to verify your story. She will be the only one to know your identity.
We would love to hear from some employers. What are your concerns when an employee is diagnosed with cancer? How do you balance the business concerns with the human concerns?
We will start with a presumption that you require anonymity. In that case you will speak to our Founder so she can verify who you are. She will be the only one to know your identity. If you wish to be identified we ask that you first seek approval from the head of your organisation.
Cancer Professionals
It would be useful for patients and their loved ones to have some stories from cancer professionals. It could help patients to get some insight into the mind of a GP, Oncology nurse, or Oncologist. What kind of information you wish patients would give you and why? It could be about what goes through your mind when a patient first tells you they've found a lump.
We will start with a presumption that you require anonymity. In that case you will speak to our Founder so she can verify who you are. She will be the only one to know your identity. However, if you wish to be identified we ask that you first seek approval from your employers.
Writing It
- Your story should be written in a way that is true to you.
- It can be any length, but try to ensure every sentence means something.
- The focus of the story is up to you (emotional, practical, treatment etc.).
- Write it in sections (see existing stories) to make it easier to read.
- Try to avoid long sentences. You can use Hemingway Editor (free online) if it helps.
- You can title the sections yourself or we can do it.
- Titles need to be quite short (see existing stories).
- Avoid naming, or using physical descriptions of, people involved in your care.
- Do not name, or identify, any friend or family without first getting their approval.
- We are happy to update your story as you go through life. Send us your additions and we will update it as soon as possible.
- If you need your story to be removed we will remove it. We will do it as quickly as possible but please allow us up to 72 hours.
Our Commitment
- We will also run your story through Hemingway Editor.
- We may have to make minor changes to assist with layout or readability.
- Any changes will be run past you before we publish your story.
How To Contribute
Please contact us through our contact form stating that you wish to submit your story. It would help to know who you are (patient, family member, carer etc.). If you are a patient please state what type of cancer you have/had.
We aim to respond within 72 hours. However, please note that our team all work full-time and have other commitments.

To help as many islanders as possible we welcome tips from a variety of people. The tips can be about almost anything, as long as it is relevant to cancer patients, their loved ones or employer.
All tips on cancer.JE are anonymous.
Who Can Submit Tips?
Our only requirement is that you live in Jersey. Tips can come from -
- Patients - cured; on treatment; incurable; or with a terminal prognosis.
- Family members of a Jersey patient.
- Family members of a non-Jersey cancer patient.
- Close friends of a Jersey patient.
- Employers.
Tip Subjects
Tips can be about any subject relevant to a cancer patient, their loved ones or employer. These include, but are not limited to:
- symptoms;
- side effects;
- practicalities;
- emotions;
- finances;
- travel;
- relationships;
- intimacy;
- living;
- dying.
Read the tips already on the site for a better idea of what kind of tips we include.
Criteria For Tips
- Tips must be non-medical in nature.
- Tips must not be promoting unproven treatments.
- Tips must not be potentially dangerous.
- Tips should not be too specific. Ideally each tip could help a number of people.
Our Commitment
- We will research the tips we receive to the best of our ability.
- We won't publish tips that we believe could cause harm.
How To Contribute
Please contact us through our contact form stating that you wish to submit your story. It would help to know who you are (patient, family member, carer etc.). If you are a patient please state what type of cancer you have/had.
We aim to respond within 72 hours. However, please note that our team all have work or voluntary full-time commitments as well as family responsibilities.